InfoRad Text Messaging When a failure to communicate is not an option.®

InfoRad Database Converter Instructions and Technical Notes

Following the download of the file:

1) Extract the zip file to a temp folder.

2) Run setup.exe to install the program.

3) Start the program from the Start Menu.

4) In the 'Database file to convert from' field: Browse to the program folder of your previous paging software. Select the database file to convert.

5) In the 'Path to create InfoRad database files in' field: Browse to the program folder where InfoRad Wireless is installed. (Default install folder is C:\Program Files\InfoRad Wireless ). Select the folder to create the converted database.

6) In the 'InfoRad Wireless Version:' field: Select the InfoRad Wireless program you have installed.

7) Please see the NOTES below for conversion specific information.

8) When ready, Click on the 'Convert' button. When the conversion is complete you can shut down the InfoRad Database Converter program. 


NOTES: The InfoRad Database Converter program converts your previous  paging programs database to the InfoRad Wireless v9.6 database format. You must be running an InfoRad Wireless v9.6 application or above in order to use a v9.6 formatted database.

The program will also overwrite any InfoRad database files in the target folder. To save any current InfoRad database files, save your current InfoRad database files to another location before running the conversion program. (On the File menu select 'Save Database To...', and browse to a location other than the InfoRad Wireless program folder.)

Receiver, Group, and Service names from the original database that are longer than that allowed in the InfoRad database will be truncated to the first 25 characters of the original name.

When converting to InfoRad Wireless Office database format : Groups with greater than 32 members in the original database will include only the first 32 members of the original Group in the InfoRad Wireless Office database. If you have Groups with greater than 32 members, please see InfoRad Wireless PRO. InfoRad Wireless PRO allows up to 500 members per Group.

If you purchase InfoRad Wireless PRO, you can again run the conversion program on your original database. Select 'PRO' in the 'InfoRad Wireless Version:' field to convert your original database to the InfoRad Wireless PRO database format.

To use  the Internet paging features of InfoRad Wireless: Following the conversion you will need either to change each Receiver to use one of the pre-programmed Internet Services, or you will need to Edit the current Messaging Service used by your Receivers to change it to an Internet Service. Also, please note that when using Internet Services, the 10-digit phone number or the PIN number is required. If you are changing from using a Dial-up Service to an Internet Service, you may need to edit each Receiver's ID or address to the proper format. Please click here for Internet paging address and format information.

Arch/PageNet customers: if you are changing from local Dial-up Service to 'Arch - UVA' or 'Arch - Internet WCTP' service, your pagers may need to be programmed onto the Arch UVA / WCTP system. Please note that Arch UVA / WCTP requires the 10-digit phone number of the Receiver (or the PIN number) for the Receiver ID.  If you receive an error of "The subscriber ID is invalid." via WCTP, or "(Error 1204) Remote error : Forced to abandon by service" via UVA your pagers are not programmed onto that system. Please call Arch Technical Support at 1-800-233-7706 to have your pagers programmed onto the Arch UVA / WCTP system.


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